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Posted on:June 4, 2023 at 11:42 PM





GBS 我当时的症状是属于Pharyngealcervical-brachial,图片上第4个



最后,附一张我在2017年确诊当前时签的字,当时已经控制不住笔了,签的字像小学时写的,哈哈: sign name


On May 25, 2023, I woke up feeling a bit off. My head felt heavy, and I thought I might be running a fever. I checked my temperature before going to work, but it was normal, so I decided to get up and go to work. By the afternoon, my headache became unbearable, and I couldn’t continue anymore. I asked my immediate supervisor for leave and went home to rest.

However, even until today (June 4, 2023), I haven’t fully recovered and still have a lot of nasal congestion. I took various medications during this period and realized that my overall physical fitness is quite poor. Even a minor ailment like a cold has lasted for 11 days (as of June 4, 2023). I even went to the hospital and got an antigen test, but I didn’t have a fever, and the result was negative.

Many people may think that a common cold is not a big deal, and that’s true for most cases. Many people can recover without medication. But I can’t afford to be careless because back in 2017, I developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) due to a prolonged cold. GBS is a rare disorder where the immune system damages the peripheral nervous system, causing acute, inflammatory, demyelinating, and polyradiculoneuropathy that leads to acute muscle paralysis.

I have already fully recovered now, and all my follow-up checkups within two years (until 2019) showed no problems. So, I am fortunate. During that time, my father came to Shenzhen and took care of me for over half a month, and I was able to get 90% of the medical expenses reimbursed through health insurance. I remember one interesting thing from my hospital stay: GBS is not a commonly seen disease in China, so I had a constant stream of doctors coming to my ward to learn and exchange knowledge. Among all the beds in the ward, mine had the most visitors (because the other beds were not occupied by GBS patients), haha!

GBS The symptoms I experienced at that time belonged to the Pharyngeal-cervical-brachial pattern, the fourth one shown in the image.

During this cold, I realized that I need to prioritize my overall health. This experience served as a reminder not to take my physical well-being lightly. Only with a healthy body can I accomplish more things. During my illness, I missed out on many tasks and had no motivation to do anything. My spirits were low, and I kept thinking that I would do things once I recovered.

Looking at it from a different perspective, this cold was a warning from my body. It was telling me not to overexert myself and to take proper rest. Only with good health can I have more possibilities and opportunities. So, when your body gives you a warning, it’s important to take it seriously. Don’t assume that you can tough it out and avoid seeking medical help when needed.

Finally, I’m attaching an image of my signature from the time of my diagnosis in 2017. I could barely control the pen while signing, and my handwriting looks like something from elementary school, haha!

sign name

Actually, I was quite frustrated while signing it. I never imagined that one day I would lose control of my own body.