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Google Adsense | 赚钱 | 中英文

Posted on:April 23, 2023 at 04:18 PM


Google AdSense是Google提供的一种广告分成计划,允许网站拥有者在其网站上展示广告,并从点击或千次展示(CPM)广告所赚取的收入中获得一定比例的分成。AdSense可以用于各种类型的网站,包括博客、新闻网站、在线商店等。




  1. 构建一个网站,部署到公网上,这样大家就能访问到您的网站
  2. Google Adsense 上注册账号
  3. 将您的网站添加到Google Adsense中,然后根据提示添加Google Adsense的js脚本和ads.txt
  4. 等待审核结果,如果审核不通过,根据提示调整,直到审核通过即可


专注一个领域,持续运营。对流量不好的内容要果断的放弃,正如该网站的首页上的一句话: ”Engage in activities that are worthwhile“

说说我之前做的一个站,也是我目前维护的开源项目,即 upupor: 这个项目我犯的最大错误就是前期投入太大,为了合规,甚至还为这个网站注册了一个公司,每年在这个网站上要花费2000RMB的公司运营费用和服务器费用,还有一些杂七杂八的服务费用,比如邮件费用。这个网站的收益非常不理想,血亏。


所以在如何最小化运营一个网站这件事上,我有非常丰富的经验。目前这个网站运营成本只有域名,除了自己的时间,其他的成本为 0 RMB

如何科学有效的运营,是十分重要的,所以我们需要收集数据和分析数据,我们可以借助“Google Analytics”和“Google Search Console”来实现。然后再通过Google AdSense来管理广告。下面我列出了上面提到的工具功能点和这些工具可以给我们带来什么,可以简单的参考下:

Google Search Console检查网站在Google搜索中的表现,提供网站索引状态、搜索分析、页面错误等方面的数据,提供网站安全性和速度方面的提示和建议。帮助网站拥有者了解其网站在Google搜索中的表现,提供有用的SEO数据和工具,帮助网站优化其在Google搜索中的排名,帮助网站解决潜在的搜索引擎优化问题和技术问题。
Google Analytics提供网站流量、用户行为、转化率等数据,提供实时数据和多种报告,以便进行深入分析,支持自定义报告和数据集。帮助网站拥有者了解其网站的流量来源、用户行为和转化率,帮助网站拥有者了解其营销活动的效果和ROI,帮助网站优化其内容和营销策略,提高转化率和收益。
Google AdSense允许网站拥有者在其网站上展示广告,提供各种广告格式,如文字、图像、视频等,提供多种广告收入的分成模式。为网站拥有者提供一种赚取收入的方式,帮助企业和个人在网络上推广其产品和服务,为广告商和网站拥有者提供一个相互合作的平台,实现互惠互利。



Google AdSense is a revenue-sharing program offered by Google that allows website owners to display ads on their website and earn a percentage of the revenue generated from clicks or impressions (CPM) on those ads. AdSense can be used on various types of websites, including blogs, news websites, online stores, and more.

Website owners can place Google ads on their website through AdSense, and the ads are automatically matched based on the website content and visitor interests. AdSense also provides various ad formats such as text, image, video, etc., to fit the needs of different websites.

The revenue-sharing ratio is negotiated between Google and website owners and is typically calculated based on the number of ad clicks and CPM earnings. Website owners can view their ad revenue and related statistics data in their AdSense account and can receive payment through various payment methods.

How to get started

  1. Build a website and deploy it to the public network, so everyone can access your website.
  2. Register for a Google AdSense account on Google Adsense.
  3. Add your website to Google AdSense, and follow the prompts to add the Google AdSense JavaScript code and ads.txt file.
  4. Wait for the approval result. If it is not approved, adjust it according to the prompt until it is approved.

Continuous Operation

Focus on one area and operate continuously. Abandon content that does not generate good traffic, as stated on the homepage of the website: “Engage in activities that are worthwhile.”

Let me share a website that I previously created and is currently maintained as an open-source project, called upupor. The biggest mistake I made with this project was investing too much upfront. To comply with regulations, I even registered a company for this website, costing 2,000 RMB per year for the company’s operating expenses and server costs, as well as some miscellaneous service fees, such as email expenses. The revenue from this website was very disappointing, causing losses.

Even with the premise of knowing that this project was losing money, I still didn’t abandon it decisively until the second half of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, when I took action to reduce server costs, deregister the company, and control the website’s operating costs to around 300RMB to 400RMB (three years).

So, I have extensive experience in minimizing website operating costs. Currently, the operating cost of this website is only the domain name, and apart from my time, the other costs are 0 RMB.

Effective and scientific operation is crucial. Therefore, we need to collect and analyze data. We can use “Google Analytics” and “Google Search Console” to achieve this. Then, we can manage ads through Google AdSense. Below are the features of these tools and what they can bring to us:

Product NameMain FunctionBenefits
Google Search ConsoleChecks website performance on Google search, provides data on website indexing status, search analytics, page errors, and offers suggestions for website security and speed.Helps website owners understand how their website performs on Google search, provides useful SEO data and tools, assists in optimizing website ranking on Google search, and helps resolve potential search engine optimization and technical issues.
Google AnalyticsProvides website traffic, user behavior, conversion rate, and other data, offers real-time data and various reports for in-depth analysis, supports custom reports and data sets.Helps website owners understand their website’s traffic sources, user behavior, and conversion rates, enables them to evaluate the effectiveness and ROI of their marketing activities, assists in optimizing content and marketing strategies, and improves conversion rates and revenue.
Google AdSenseAllows website owners to display ads on their website, offers various ad formats such as text, image, video, and provides multiple revenue-sharing models.Provides a way for website owners to earn revenue, helps businesses and individuals promote their products and services online, offers a mutually beneficial platform for advertisers and website owners, and promotes a win-win partnership.